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Job Brief The Dynaste Communication Firm has an exciting full time job opportunity for a creative, easy to work with and results oriented individual. We work with various clients from different industries which is a great learning experience for anyone selected to join the team Applications closes on the 20th of November 2022. CV’s are received on info@thedcf.co.za Salary R9 000 - R11 000 a

Your company’s online presence can make or break your business, and in today’s business world, a company without an online presence is practically non-existent. This is why having a well-managed online presence is one of the most effective and advantageous strategies for your business to implement. “A strong online presence enables you to build your brand and gain the credibility necessary

A company’s online presence can make or break a business, and in today’s business world, a company without an online presence is practically non-existent. This is why having a well-managed online presence is one of the most effective and advantageous strategies for a business to implement. A strong online presence enables a business to build its brand and gain the credibility